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USG Color Doppler Echo Mindray M5

Oleh Mindray

Harga Normal
Rp 310.000.000
Harga Promo
Rp 280.000.000  (10% OFF)
Berat30000 gram
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 USG Color Doppler Echo Mindray M5

Mindray M5 Color Doppler Ultrasound Medical Imaging System

The Mindray M5 Color Doppler Ultrasound Medical Imaging System is a full-featured, high quality color doppler ultrasound tool that performs imaging across an extensive range of clinical settings and applications.

The laptop-style Mindray M5 delivers outstanding color doppler imaging, uncompromising 2D performance and exceptional value in a compact, yet durable package. The portable, simplistic nature of the Mindray M5 makes it ideal for a variety of hospital and office environments including emergency medicine, breast surgery, anesthesia, vascular, interventional radiology, critical care, PICC line placements, MSK, obstetrics, gynecology and urology.

Features and Benefits of the Mindray M5 Color Doppler Ultrasound Medical Imaging System:
- Compact, lightweight design enables convenient access to all point of care environments
- Advanced imaging technologies offer high quality image and data to support clinicians in making diagnoses:
o iScapeTM View (panoramic imaging)
o iBeamTM compounding
o iClear TM adaptive speckle suppression
o Multi-beam ParallelImaging
o Trapezoidal imaging
o Tissue harmonic
o Tissue specific imaging (TSI)
- Straightforward operation contributes to maximum efficiency, particularly with high volumes of patients:
o Fast boot-up
o Home-based, intuitive user interface
o Backlit keyboard
o iTouchTM one button for 2D imaging optimization
o Active screen parameter adjustment
- On-board iStation enables fast and complete review, management, storage and transfer of images and data
- Open communication platform enables quick and convenient data transfer and sharing:
o Network
o USB, Ethernet, DVD-R/W
- High-resolution 15-inch TFT monitor, with 170 viewing angle, provides clinicians accurate image viewing while focusing on patient care.
- Optional system cart supports expanded functionalities, peripherals and storage.
- Customizable system configuration ensures your clinical and financial requirements are met.

- Upgradeable platform guarantees your long-term investment protection.
Harga jual usg mindray m5 ;
-1 probe sector
1 probe convex
1 printer Bw


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