Harga Normal | Rp 35.000.000 |
Harga Promo | Rp 32.000.000 (9% OFF) |
Kode | 0035 |
Ukuran | |
Berat | 15000 gram |
Stok | 5 buah |
USG Portable mindray DP 10 terbaru, Dengan warna Hitam menjadikan tampilan lebih menarik dari versi sebelumnya, Harga usg Portable mindray ini masih tergolong sangat terjangkau untuk kalangan Dokter, Klinik, Bidan dan lainnya.
Tersedia dalam pilihan probe Convex , Linear, Transvaginal (5. 250)
Optional ; Printer , Trolly
Utilizing second harmonics generated from tissue boundary layers, THI significantly enhances contrast resolution and improves image quality especially for technically difficult subjects.
Tissue Specific Imaging optimizes the image quality based on the properties of the tissue being scanned. Four imaging options are available including general, muscle, fluid and fat.
Discover better diagnostic information through extended view of the anatomical structure on all convex and linear probes.
Directly transfer images and reports to PC via network cable.
Mindrays unique Patient Information Management System allowing you to integrate, review, archive and retrieve patient data effectively.
Image enhancing mechanism consisting of various parameters.
Jual USG Portabel Mindray Dp 10
Tersedia juga type Dp 2200
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