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USG 4 Dimensi Dcn 3Pro

Oleh Mindray

Harga Normal
Rp 370.000.000
Harga Promo
Rp 350.000.000  (5% OFF)
Berat40000 gram
Stok5 buah

USG 4  Dimensi DCN 3 Pro

-Main unit USG DCN 3 pro

-Probe 4D

-Probe TV

-Probe COnvex /Linear

-2 buah printer


Featured with an ideal combination of quality, versatility and affordability, DC-N3 is truly a redefinition of the base, providing you with best-in-class performance, efficiency and value. Equipped with real-time 4D imaging functionality and flexible configuration server, DC-N3 is an ideal entry-level system well suited for varying diagnostic requirements within the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

Performance :
- PSH (Phase Shift Harmonic Imaging)
- iBeam
- iClear
- Multiple Beam Formation
- 3D/4D Imaging
- iPage
- Smart OB

Workflow :
- iStorage & iMeasurement & iReport
- iTouch
- iZoom
- iStation
- Raw Data

Harga mesin alat usg 4 dimensi mindray DCN 3pro


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